Taming the Streams API in Deno
This is a working guide to the Streams API following the latest web standards.
Using Deno to fetch a large file and stream it to disk
async function fetchAndWriteToDisk(url: string, destinationPath: string) {
const response = await fetch(url);
const readableStream = response.body;
if (!readableStream) {
throw new Error("Failed to fetch readableStream");
const diskWritableStream = await Deno.open(destinationPath, {
create: true,
write: true,
await readableStream.pipeTo(diskWritableStream.writable);
console.log(`File successfully written to ${destinationPath}`);
const destinationPath = "largefile.jpg";
const fileUrl = "https://i.pcmag.com/imagery/articles/02KW1KBEjvhGDCkfRNdcLxb-17..v1569486814.jpg";
await fetchAndWriteToDisk(fileUrl, destinationPath);
This snippet fetches a file and writes it to disk. It uses the pipeTo method to pipe the ReadableStream from the fetch response to the WritableStream of the Deno.open call.
Updated April 17, 2023